Lower Big Blue NRD and Little Blue NRD Hazard Mitigation Plan

About the Project
The Little Blue NRD and Lower Big Blue NRD are collaboratively updating their regional Hazard Mitigation Plan (HMP). Over 100 communities, counties, school districts, or other jurisdictions participated in the last plan update which was approved by FEMA in 2016. HMPs are required to be updated every five years per federal regulation and are publicly guided plans that identify vulnerability to natural disasters such as flood, drought, earthquake, wildfire, winter storm, tornado, high windstorm, dam failure, etc. The plan establishes goals, outlines specific mitigation options, and prioritizes projects which may reduce or eliminate loss of life and potential damages to property when future disasters occur.
The 2021 plan update process is being sponsored by the Little Blue and Lower Big Blue NRDs and will be led by local planning teams consisting of representatives from NRDs and Emergency Management offices in Adams, Clay, Fillmore, Gage, Jefferson, Nuckolls, Saline, Thayer, and Webster Counties.
Public input will be gathered throughout the duration of the plan development through online tools and public meetings. All communities, public school districts, and other taxing authorities within the region are eligible to participate. Hazard Mitigation planning is the effort to reduce loss of life and property by lessening the impact of disasters. For every $1 spent on hazard mitigation, $6 in post-disaster recovery is saved, according to the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA). Proactive hazard mitigation planning allows a community to take actions to reduce or eliminate threats from natural and man-made disasters.
Once a community, county, or district is part of an approved hazard mitigation plan, they become eligible for up to a 75% cost share for a wide variety of projects listed in the plan.
JEO Consulting Group, Inc. (JEO) has been hired to assist with the plan development over the next year. This hazard mitigation plan update is funded by a FEMA planning grant.

2021 Hazard Mitigation Plan
The 2021 Little Blue NRD and Lower Big Blue NRD Hazard Mitigation Plan has been reviewed and approved by the Nebraska Emergency Management Agency (NEMA) and the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA). The final approved plan is available below for download.
2021 Little Blue NRD and Lower Big Blue NRD HMP – Upfront
Special Districts Appendix – This appendix includes the following jurisdictions: Little Blue NRD, Lower Big Blue NRD, South Heartland District Health Department, Adams Central Public Schools, Beatrice Public Schools, Exeter-Milligan Public Schools, Meridian Public Schools, South Central Nebraska Unified Schools, Superior Public Schools, Tri-County Public Schools, Southeast Community College-Beatrice Campus, and Barneston Fire District.
Adams County Appendix – This appendix includes all cities and villages within Adams County.
Clay County Appendix – This appendix includes all cities and villages within Clay County.
Fillmore County Appendix – This appendix includes all cities and villages within Fillmore County.
Gage County Appendix – This appendix includes all cities and villages within Gage County.
Jefferson County Appendix – This appendix includes all cities and villages within Jefferson County.
Nuckolls County Appendix – This appendix includes all cities and villages within Nuckolls County.
Saline County Appendix – This appendix includes all cities and villages within Saline County.
Thayer County Appendix – This appendix includes all cities and villages within Thayer County.
Webster County Appendix – This appendix includes all cities and villages within Webster County.
Procedural Appendix A – Documents of Public Involvement
Procedural Appendix B – Public Meeting Materials and Worksheets
Procedural Appendix C – Worksheets to Assist Communities Review and Update
Procedural Appendix D – Funding Worksheets
COVID-19 Precautions
The Regional Planning Team and JEO Consulting Group are taking steps to address concerns and protect residents from the spread of COVID-19 during this plan update process. As such, the following list outlines guidelines and requirements utilized for Round 1 in-person meetings in the planning area.
- All attendees were required to RSVP to a meeting. This helped ensure meeting spaces were large enough to accommodate social distancing guidelines.
- Masks were required for all attendees at public meetings. This included entering the building, greeting others, listening to speakers, using restrooms, or other activities. Disposable masks were also provided at the door.
- Hand sanitizer and disinfectant wipes were provided at the door. All tables, chairs, and materials were wiped down or sanitized before and after use.
- It was encouraged to avoid handshakes or close proximity to other attendees.
Due to the continued prevalence of COVID-19 and the emergence of variant strands, round 2 meetings were only held virtually for the protection of residents and planning team members. For any additional concerns or questions regarding COVID-19 safety precautions, please reach out to the JEO project coordinators, Becky Appleford or Brooke Seachord.