Lower Loup NRD HMP

About the Project
The Lower Loup Natural Resources District (NRD) in collaboration with JEO Consulting Group, Inc. is in the process of updating the 2017 Multi-Jurisdictional Hazard Mitigation Plan (HMP). The NRD’s existing HMP was approved by FEMA and adopted by participating jurisdictions in 2017. FEMA requires that an HMP be updated and approved on a five year cycle.
A hazard mitigation plan is a community-guided document that identifies vulnerability to natural and man-made hazards, and mitigation projects to reduce or eliminate this vulnerability. Having an approved and updated plan enables your community to be stronger and more resilient by:
Reducing your community’s risk and impacts from:
- Hazards and disasters such as: tornadoes, flooding, drought, hail, severe winter storms, agricultural plant and animal diseases, wildfire, chemical spills, etc.;
- Gaining eligibility for pre- and post-disaster mitigation grants, an
- Building partnerships within your community and across the counties.

2022 Hazard Mitigation Plan
The 2022 Lower Loup NRD Hazard Mitigation Plan has been reviewed and approved by the Nebraska Emergency Management Agency (NEMA) and the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA). The final approved plan is available below for download.
2022 Lower Loup NRD – Upfront
Lower Loup NRD Profile
Special Districts Appendix – This appendix includes profiles for the following jurisdictions: Arcadia Public Schools, Duncan Fire District, Elba Fire and Rescue District, Farwell Irrigation District, Loup Basin Public Health Department, Sargent Irrigation District, Twin Loups Irrigation District, Wheeler Central Schools, and Wheeler County Rural Fire Protection District.
Boone County Appendix – This appendix includes the county and participating all communities within Boone County.
Custer County Appendix – This appendix includes the county and participating all communities within Custer County.
Garfield County Appendix – This appendix includes the county and participating all communities within Garfield County.
Greeley County Appendix – This appendix includes the county and participating all communities within Greeley County.
Howard County Appendix – This appendix includes the county and participating all communities within Howard County.
Loup County Appendix – This appendix includes the county and participating all communities within Loup County.
Nance County Appendix – This appendix includes the county and participating all communities within Nance County.
Platte County Appendix – This appendix includes the county and participating all communities within Platte County.
Sherman County Appendix – This appendix includes the county and participating all communities within Sherman County.
Valley County Appendix – This appendix includes the county and participating all communities within Valley County.
Wheeler County Appendix – This appendix includes the county and participating all communities within Wheeler County.