Upper Big Blue NRD Hazard Mitigation Plan

about the project
The Upper Big Blue Natural Resources District (NRD) is working with JEO Consulting Group to update their 2019 Upper Big Blue NRD Hazard Mitigation Plan (HMP). An HMP is a community-guided document that identifies vulnerability to hazards and mitigation projects to reduce or eliminate this vulnerability. Having an approved and updated plan enables participants to be stronger and more resilient by:
- Reducing risk and impacts from disasters,
- Gaining eligibility for pre- and post-disaster mitigation grants, and
- Building partnerships within the NRD.
Communities, schools, fire departments, and other jurisdictions within Hamilton, Seward, and York counties are invited to participate in this process by attending meetings and providing information for the plan.
This hazard mitigation plan update was funded by a FEMA planning grant. The cost was shared 75% through federal funding and 25% through a local match. For this plan update, the Upper Big Blue NRD, Hamilton County, Seward County, and York County provided the 25% local match.

planning meetings
This planning process includes public meetings to provide an opportunity for participants and interested stakeholders to learn about the plan and provide input. The second round of meetings took place in early June. For those not able to attend, a meeting recording is available here: https://vimeo.com/957944848/8595e992e.
draft plan for public review
The Upper Big Blue NRD Hazard Mitigation Plan has begun its Public Review Period, and the current draft is available for review online. This draft includes the latest revisions following the second round of meetings. You may review the draft plan at the project Google Drive: https://bit.ly/UpperBigBlue-GoogleDrive. The plan is available for public comment from Friday, August 30 to Friday, September 20, 2024. Comments can be sent using the comment box below or emailed to JEO Consulting Group at kdietrich@jeo.com.
Approved 2019 Hazard Mitigation Plan
A copy of the approved 2019 Hazard Mitigation Plan sections may be downloaded below:
Upper Big Blue Multi-Jurisdictional Hazard Mitigation Plan Upfront
Hamilton County Participant Sections
Seward County Participant Sections
York County Participant Sections
Special Districts Participant Sections
general resources
- Upper Big Blue NRD Website
- Residential Tornado Safe Room Program
- Drought Monitor
- National Weather Service
- National Centers for Environmental Information
- Hamilton County Emergency Management
- Seward County Emergency Management
- York County Emergency Management
- Nebraska Emergency Management
- FEMA VII: Mitigation