Tri-Basin NRD Hazard Mitigation Plan

About the Project

The Tri-Basin Natural Resources District (NRD) in collaboration with JEO Consulting Group, Inc. completed the 2023 Hazard Mitigation Plan (HMP). FEMA requires that an HMP be updated and approved within a five-year period.

A hazard mitigation plan is a community-guided document that identifies vulnerability to natural and man-made hazards, and mitigation projects to reduce or eliminate this vulnerability. Having an approved and updated plan enables participating jurisdictions to be stronger and more resilient by:

  1. Reducing risk and impacts from hazards and disasters such as: tornadoes, flooding, drought, severe thunderstorms, severe winter storms, dam failure, wildfire, etc.;
  2. Gaining eligibility for pre- and post-disaster mitigation grants, and
  3. Building partnerships across the NRD.

The planning area for the NRD HMP included the counties of Gosper, Phelps, and Kearney. Members of communities, schools, fire districts, and other jurisdictions within the NRD were invited to participate in this process by attending meetings and providing information for the plan.

For more information about the Tri-Basin NRD, please visit their website.

Approved 2023 Hazard Mitigation Plan

FEMA and NEMA have approved the 2023 Tri-Basin NRD Hazard Mitigation Plan. The sections of the plan can be downloaded below.

Regional Upfront Section

Gosper County Appendix – includes profiles for Gosper County, Village of Elwood, Village of Smithfield, and Elwood Public Schools.

Kearney County Appendix – includes profiles for Kearney County, City of Minden, the Villages of Axtell, Heartwell, Norman, and Wilcox, and Axtell Community Schools.

Phelps County Appendix – includes profiles for Phelps County, City of Holdrege, the Villages of Atlanta, Bertrand, Funk, and Loomis, Holdrege Public Schools, and Loomis Public Schools.

Fire Districts Appendix – includes profiles for Axtell Rural Fire District, Bertrand Rural Fire District, Elwood Rural Fire District, Funk Rural Fire District, Holdrege Rural Fire District, Loomis Rural Fire District, Minden Rural Fire District, and Wilcox Rural Fire District.

Tri-Basin NRD Appendix – includes the profile for Tri-Basin NRD.

Appendix A – Documents of Public Involvement

Appendix B – Public Meeting Materials and Worksheets

Appendix C – Worksheets to Assist Communities Review and Update the HMP

Appendix D – Hazard Mitigation Project Funding Guidebook

Additional Resources

contact information

Karl Dietrich

Karl Dietrich


Anthony Kohel, AICP

Anthony Kohel, AICP
