Region 23 Hazard Mitigation Plan Update

about the project
The Region 23 Emergency Management Agency is updating its Hazard Mitigation Plan (HMP) with the assistance of JEO Consulting Group. An HMP is a community-guided document that identifies vulnerabilities to natural and man-made hazards, then determines mitigation projects to reduce or eliminate those vulnerabilities.
Having an approved HMP is a requirement of the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) for jurisdictions to become eligible for Hazard Mitigation Assistance grants. An HMP will enable your community to be stronger and more resilient by:
- Reducing your community’s risk and impacts from disasters,
- Gaining eligibility for pre- and post-disaster mitigation grants, and
- Building partnerships with stakeholders within your community and region.
HMPs are required to be updated and approved every five years. The Region 23 EMA last updated their HMP in 2020. Throughout the planning process, members of the community are invited to participate by attending public meetings and providing information for the plan. Jurisdictions eligible to participate include:
- Cities and Villages
- School Districts
- Fire Districts
- Local Health Departments
- Public Colleges
- Other taxing authorities

project meetings
The planning process includes public meetings to provide an opportunity for participants and interested stakeholders to learn about the plan and provide input.
The Round 2 Public Meeting took place on January 6th in Chadron. If you weren’t able to make it to the meeting, you can view the recording here.
You can access and download your jurisdiction’s meeting worksheets by visiting this Google Drive folder.
As part of the planning process, a survey was also created to seek input from the general public on how various hazards impact the public throughout the planning area. The survey is available here.
2020 hazard mitigataion plan
The 2020 Region 23 Hazard Mitigation Plan is available for download below. Community sections may be viewed under their appropriate County Appendix.
Region 23 HMP Upfront
Special Districts Appendix
Box Butte County Appendix
Dawes County Appendix
Sheridan County Appendix
Sioux County Appendix