Quad Counties – Multi-Jurisdictional Hazard Mitigation Plan Update

About the Project
Franklin, Furnas, Harlan, and Red Willow Counties (Quad Counties) worked with JEO Consulting Group to update the 2016 Quad Counties Multi-Jurisdictional Hazard Mitigation Plan. A Hazard Mitigation Plan is a community-guided document that identifies both vulnerability to natural and man-made hazards, and mitigation measures to reduce or eliminate this vulnerability. Hazard mitigation plans are a requirement of the Disaster Mitigation Act of 2000, administered by the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA). Having an approved and updated plan enables your jurisdiction to be stronger and ore resilient by:
- Reducing risk and impacts from disasters,
- Gaining eligibility for pre- and post-disaster mitigation grants, and
- Building partnership
Members of communities, schools, NRD, counties, fire departments, hospitals, and other jurisdictions within the four counties are invited to participate in this process by attending meetings and providing information for the plan.
This hazard mitigation plan update was funded by a FEMA planning grant. The cost is shared 75% through federal funding and 25% through a local match. For this plan update, the Franklin, Furnas, Harlan, and Red Willow counties are providing the 25% local match.

Approved 2021 Hazard Mitigation Plan
A copy of the approved Quad Counties Hazard Mitigation Plan by section may be downloaded below.
Regional Upfront Section: This section is a regional overview of the four-county planning area and contains Sections 1-6.
Franklin County Appendix: This appendix includes Franklin County, Village of Bloomington, Village of Campbell, City of Franklin, Village of Hildreth, Village of Naponee,Village of Riverton, Village of Upland, and Wilcox-Hildreth Public Schools.
Furnas County Appendix: This appendix includes Furnas County, City of Arapahoe, City of Beaver City, City of Cambridge, Village of Edison, Village of Hendley, Village of Holbrook, Village of Oxford, and Arapahoe-Holbrook Public Schools.
Harlan County Appendix: This appendix includes Harlan County, City of Alma, Village of Huntley, Village of Orleans, Village of Ragan, Village of Republican City, Village of Stamford, Alma Fire District, Alma Public Schools, Orleans Fire District, Republican City Rural Fire District, and Stamford Rural Fire Department.
Red Willow County Appendix: This appendix includes Red Willow County, Village of Bartley, Village of Danbury, City of Indianola, City of McCook, and Southwest Public Schools.
Natural Resources Districts Appendix: This appendix includes Lower Republican NRD and Middle Republican NRD.
Appendix A: This appendix includes documents of public involvement.
Appendix B: This appendix includes public meeting materials and sample worksheets.
Appendix C: This appendix includes worksheets to assist jurisdictions review and update the plan.
Appendix D: This appendix includes the hazard mitigation project funding guidebook.
Additional Resources
- Drought Monitor
- National Weather Service
- High Plains Regional Climate Center
- FEMA VII: Mitigation
- Nebraska Silver Jackets