How to Apply for Disaster Assistance


If you are in an area that has been declared a disaster and your essential property has been damaged or destroyed (with losses not covered by insurance), you could be eligible for disaster assistance. Knowing how to apply for disaster assistance is important. Refer to this quick guide to better understand what you’ll need to apply for help. 

Ways to Apply:

  1. Go to
  2. Call 1-800-621-3362
  3. TTY (text telephone) number 1-800-462-7585

Be Ready to Provide FEMA with the Following Information:

  • Address of damaged home or apartment.
  • Name of people living in the household.
  • Description of disaster damages.
  • Insurance information.
    • Remember, only damages not covered by insurance are eligible for FEMA disaster assistance.
  • Social Security number.
  • Telephone number to reach you.
  • Address where you can receive mail.

If you want disaster assistance funds directly sent to your bank, you’ll need to provide:

  • Bank account type.
  • Account number.
  • Routing number.

FEMA will give you an application number. It is critical that you keep this number; you’ll need it whenever you contact FEMA.

In addition to applying to FEMA, be sure to inform your local Emergency Manager of your application and your damages. That way your state Emergency Management Agency will include your county or community in the reported disaster totals. 

Sources: and