Harrison County, IA – Boyer Bridge Replacement Survey


Harrison County, IA


  • Survey

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JEO’s survey team successfully mapped out this project, even uncovering an issue during construction that could’ve caused problems if it hadn’t been caught.

The Challenge:
The bridge over Willow Creek in Harrison County spans 200 feet of a deep streambed in the midst of a volatile watershed. The bridge needed to be replaced and the area needed drainage improvements. The county hired JEO to replace the bridge and upgrade the drainage.

The Solution:
Before any design could begin, JEO’s survey crew completed topographic survey of both the right-of-way and streambed, boundary research, and utility locating to create a base map for design. Once design had been completed, JEO’s survey crew staked the area so construction could begin. During construction, JEO’s survey team discovered that due to a windstorm, one of the bridge pier forms had moved, causing the pier to be poured in the wrong spot. This was quickly fixed, and the rest of the bridge was completed.

The Benefit:
Having accurate survey data before, during, and after the project ensured Harrison County received a quality bridge built to last in an improved watershed area. Because of the attention to detail JEO’s surveyors have, they were able to fix an issue before it became a bigger issue.